Monday, May 7, 2012

A milestone

  So I've stomped around this earth for a while and I haven't gotten this far without help. I'm lucky enough to have my best friend by my side, through thick and thin, the ups and downs and all the of the lessons I have to work through. There's no way I could've done this by myself.
  We met on a blind date, set up by my best friend and his girl friend. I still can't tell you how long we dated, but she broke up with me. Of course I was devastated and to add insult to injury, she moved all the way across the country to New York.
  Again, I couldn't tell you how long it was, but I do know it was my 21st birthday and she was back in California. I was asked if it was alright if she went to dinner with us, I agreed and she still hasn't left.
  So, here we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary, that's right, 25th. I can't hardly believe it and I'm not gonna tell you it was easy. I take that back, her and I are easy, it's the rest of life that's a challenge. I've heard that most arguments between married people is over money. Well, we've never had a lot of money and we've always taken on the world as a team, us against them, never, me against her.
  So, we've never had too much to argue about and we never wanted a house full of disrespect. Our house is exactly the opposite, lots of music, lots of laughter and over flowing with love for each other. And that was especially true for when our kids were growing up and continues on now.
  So here we are 25 years later and she still thinks I play my music too loud and that I should be nicer and I think she should enjoy punk music played too loud and that she's too nice. She has compassion for them and I want to whip their asses, so we balance each other.
  I've never done anything in a row for this long. No job, no school, hell, not even my kids and I know I'm not that easy to live with, but she's still here. I'm not really sure why, but I do know I love her with every fiber of my being and soul. I would sacrifice everything for her, I would die for her and I would kill for her. I may not be able to give her everything, yet, but I'm working on it.
  There are only two things I can think of that I do without her. I don't work with her and she doesn't surf with me. I don't really want to work with her, but there are times that I would like her to watch me surf so I can show off for her. Cause that's what we do, we show off for our girls.
  Otherwise I need her by my side on this journey and I'm uncomfortable when she's not. I'm going to ask her if she'll do another 25, I'll let you know what she says. And as I've told you guys before, I really work towards balance in my life and that's what she does for me.
  Plus, she bakes me chocolate cake.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. Probably the sweetest love note ever. You two have long been role models for me, as parents, as partners. Thanks!
