Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My family is growing

  My family is small and that has its good points and bad points, depending on who you talk to. My wife and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year, that's right, she has put up with me for 25 years, in a row, and, I have two kids. My daughter is in her second year of college and my son works at the same place as I do, but in a different department. The four of us are quite close, we've always watched out for each other and my daughter being away at school, about six hours away, is as far away as any of us have lived from each other and that is still taking some adjustment on all our parts.
  But my small family is changing and growing. My son is getting married this year. He and his fiancĂ©e have been going out since high school and we think they make a pretty good couple.
  So my close knit little family had to let this young lady find her way into our house and hearts. And let me tell you, that's no easy task, at least the hearts part, our house is pretty easy to get into. We are a pretty wicked bunch, especially sitting around the dinner table. We have been known to be a bit competitive and nothing is off limits at the table. The music is usually on and in between verses being sung the barbs fly fast and furious.
  So this young lady comes to dinner and I'll be damned if she doesn't jump right in. Her and my daughter become best friends and she asks my daughter to be her maid of honor. This young lady managed to move right into our hearts, so, we gave her a key to the house.
  The other day one of my most favorite people in the world asked me if I'm ready to be a daddy-in-law. I never even thought about that. This young lady has endeared herself to me in such a way that the pending wedding is just like the next step, a natural step. I'm actually very excited and honored about gaining another daughter.
  My little family gained another member, my son is taking a wife, my daughter gets a sister and my wife and I get another daughter.
  I couldn't be prouder.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The only way through it, is through it

  I just got done with one of "those" weeks at work. I had two of my work mates on vacation which left me on my own in the shop. I was expecting a long week of not being able to keep up with an overwhelming work load. Leading up to the week I had a sense of looming disaster and dread. I had the feeling I was driving into a car wreck and couldn't turn away, the crash was imminent.
  About halfway through the week I still had my head above water and I was actually surviving the imagined car wreck. This fact started me thinking about my attitude leading up to the week of doom and I wanted to share my thoughts and realizations with you guys.
  It seems to me, that we are presented with situations as we wander through this universe and some of them are really not to our liking. We try to avoid these situations, or lessons, for as long as we can, because we only want to do the pleasant and easy lessons, they're fun. Since we hate the hard or difficult lessons, we'll walk clear around the block or whatever else it takes to avoid the hard stuff. But, try as you might the universe will make the difficult lessons available and unavoidable for you.
  So there I am, halfway through a difficult lesson and, like I said, I'm surviving. Plus, I'm now understanding that the imagined doom and the anticipation of being totally overwhelmed was way worse than actually living the week. Yeah, there was more work to do, but it was all doable and I missed having the extra sets of hands working with me, but, goddammit, before I knew it, it was Friday, I made it. There was no fiery ball of flames or anything, just a sense of accomplishment.
  So go on, go live your life and learn the lessons set before you. You can avoid them for a while, but you have to learn them and, trust me, you will. Just try to have a good attitude and see them for what they are.
 A very good friend of mine said, "the only through it, is through it", so don't get yourself all worked up the way I did. Get yourself ready and go learn something about you.

Monday, January 2, 2012

End of the world

  Well, you made it, it's 2012. Hope you guys had a great holiday season and accomplished everything you wanted to during 2011. If you didn't get everything done, don't worry, you've got a fresh new year in front of you.            
  However, some people will tell you that you only have roughly 11 months to get your affairs in order. In case you haven't heard, the Mayan calendar runs out on the 21st of December this year and a lot of people think that spells the end for us. Needless to say, I'm skeptical.
  Our world has changed many times over, we did not grow up in the same world our grandparents did and our grandkids will also come of age in a different world than us. So, I guess in one aspect, our world is always ending and also beginning again at the same time. There have also been countless predictions about the time the world will end and they have all come and gone and we're all still here. So, there's a pretty good chance that the world will be here this time next year.
  The unfortunate side effect of all this end of the world stuff is, it spawns these survivalist idiots. What a sorry ass lot this is. These are the people that think the world is ending, so they need to stockpile what they consider essentials and that usually means a whole lot of guns and ammo. They will build bunkers, buy a bunch of dehydrated food and fill water barrels and they claim they need the guns to keep you away from they're stash. I really have no time for these clowns, listening to them tell me about their survival strategy is like listening to them tell me about their political views, I don't want to hear it. They are so busy preparing for something that isn't going to happen, that they forget to live their lives. It just makes them look like scared little boys with some sort of twisted view of the universe.
  My personal view of this is, if Surtr swings his flaming sword and the world is going to end, so be it. I'm not in a real hurry to survive the whole end of the world thing. None of us are going to get out of this life alive and I really don't want to be on a decimated planet with a bunch of scared survivalist morons.
  So, go live your life, enjoy some good beer and let's get this year rolling.