Tuesday, December 20, 2011

happy holidays

  Just wanted to pass on my wishes for you guys to have a happy holiday season. Even though things can get a little crazy, remember what this time of the year is really about. Take care of your loved ones, especially the kids.
  So, enjoy your family and have a great new years celebration, and keep it under control.
  I'll talk to you guys in 2012.

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's her day

  I was noticing on those television shows that feature home videos or videos of people crashing that they like to show wedding videos. The wedding videos that make this show usually feature some tool acting in very poor taste, dancing badly or generally displaying lack of judgment. These idiots have usually drank too much and look like absolute fools.
  But the part that really bothers me is when the video shows the bride falling or being dropped by somebody. You guys have got to remember that this young lady has waited her whole life for this day and you really should not ruin it. Keep your drinking, your dancing and your enthusiasm under control. Just because there is a video camera running, doesn't mean it's on to watch you.
  So when the beautiful bride, in her great white gown, is on the dance floor, dancing with the guests, do not go out there and proceed to show off your lack of dancing skills by trying to jitter bug, salsa dance or swing dance with the bride. There's a pretty good chance that one of you doesn't know how to do that particular dance style and the other one probably shouldn't be doing it.
  Also, the brides feet should never leave the floor, ever, do not pick her up for any reason. I swear, every time someone tries to pick her up they end up falling and the bride ends up hitting the floor. Not cool. You have just ruined her day and made the highlight reel showing some drunk idiot at a wedding dropping the bride.
  So act like a gentleman while at a wedding reception, treat the bride with the respect she deserves on her special day. I really don't want to see you on some stupid television show.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Let's make a list

  I thought I'd jot down a list for you, these are some of my thoughts on manhood. We may have talked about some of these already and we may talk about some in the future, who knows? Some of these bug me and some of these are what I expect from you as a man.
1. Respect. You've got to give it, to get it. You can not demand it, you've got to      earn it.
2. If you're going to drink, drink responsibly. There's nothing worse than a             drunk guy at any sort of gathering. You look like a fool, a drunk fool. And I'll     say it again, do not drink and drive. I don't think there is a penalty severe            enough for when the cops bust someone for DUI.
3. Take care of your family. If you have brought another life into this world, you     need to be there for that child. And I don't mean by laying on the couch all          day doing nothing but getting high. You need to take care of that baby.
4. Treat women with great care, respect and kindness. Remember, they are  the     fairer sex and you need to keep them from harm. And if I ever hear of one of       you guys hitting a woman, I will personally come over and stomp a mud hole       in you.
5. Act like a grown up, you're not in high school anymore.
6. Don't beat me with your religious or political views, I have my own and I           think yours suck anyways. The ideas you're beating me with also show me        that you have no original thoughts and by trying to convince me, shows me         that your trying to convince yourself. You'll believe anything that they shove        down your throat.
7. Take care of the little people out there. Kids are innocent and need to be             taken care of. And refer to my warning in number 4 up there, if I hear of you       harming a child.
8. Quit your whining, god I hate whining. Everyone has problems, get off your         sorry ass and fix yours.
9. Go outside and play, put the remote down and get out in the sunshine.
10. Call your mom. She misses you and is very proud of you.
11. Go get the spider, mouse or whatever it is that is making her scream and            remove it from her presence.
12. Get yourself a florist and put your credit card on file with them. I learned
      this a few years ago. My florist can get flowers to anyone, anywhere. That
      comes in very handy at times.
13. Make something. I don't care if it's dinner, a house or a mess. Unleash your
      creativity and let it run, go with it.
  Alright, that's it, 13 is my lucky number and that's probably enough for now. We'll let these roll and see what comes of it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Treat 'em like dogs

  As you may know, I'm a dog guy. I grew up with a dog and so have my kids. As far as I'm concerned, my dogs  are a very important part of my family and help make our house, a home. However, I make sure they know their place in my pack, they are treated like dogs and are expected to act like dogs. They are not allowed on the furniture, they only eat from their bowls and they ride in the back of the truck. I expect them to watch over the property and my stuff, by barking when strangers, dogs, raccoons, possums, cats or any other unwanted beastie gets to close to the fence. As a benefit, I receive absolute unconditional love from my dogs. Nothing matters, not the time of day, the weather, or my attitude, my dogs love me unconditionally. In fact, they don't even mind if I sit down and enjoy a beer after we've gone for a walk around the block in the evening.
  It's also because of this unconditional love, I believe, people take advantage of their dogs. Dogs really aren't meant to wear clothes or costumes and I see people dressing up their poor dogs all the time. Dogs will do anything to make you happy and because your dog loves you so much, they will let you dress them and suffer humiliation for you. Dogs aren't people, don't dress them. Don't humiliate your dog stud, it just makes you look like a tool.
  I'd also like to revisit for a moment what we talked about in regards to driving with your dog in the car. Get the damn dog off your lap, I think it's pretty ridiculous to see a woman driving with a dog in her lap and now I'm seeing guys do it. The dog needs to be in the back, either the back seat or the back of the truck, not hanging half their body out of the drivers window. You've seen the picture of Honey in the bed of the red truck, she's secured in with a chain, so she can move from side to side, but will not be able to go over the side. Or put them in the back seat with the window down enough for them to put their nose in the wind, this seems to be a necessity for a dog.
   Another thing I've noticed about dogs, is, they like routine. It's one of the things that seems comforting to dogs. So get into a routine with your dog, it's the least you can do since they love you so much. I also believe that dogs and kids need a lot of the same things. They both need to go for walks with you, they both need to get dirty sometimes, they both need to be able to run as fast as they can for no apparent reason and they both need to spend time with you.
  So go on tough guy, give your heart to a furry angel, you won't be sorry. As long as you don't expect them to be any more than a dog. You'll be surprised at the love and companionship you'll receive, as long as you remember to treat 'em like dogs.

More good stuff

  Here's another beer i wanted to tell you guys about. One of my friends at work said it was worth a try. This is good beer, goes real well with the colder weather this time of year.
  Hope y'all have a good Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Being a father

  I've been a dad for the last 22 years and both of my kids just keep getting better with age. I've always said the older they get, the cooler they get. As some of you know fatherhood is not easy and is all consuming, yet it's the most rewarding job I've ever had.
  Now, I'm not gonna tell you how to raise your kids, cause everyone has their own ideas and I think that there is more than one right way to go about it. What I can pass on to ya, is that you'll need to put you're childish ways aside, grow up and become the man your kid is gonna need and be the father they will look up to as an example of what a man is.
  Now when I say childish ways, I'm not telling you to quit having fun or that fatherhood is deadly serious all the time (just some of the time). But you will need to realign your priorities. Since you're now part of a family, you are not the most important person in the world, the little person you just created is. It's now time to step up, cause this is not part time, it's full time and you will be a father for the rest of your life. There is a delicate balance you need to maintain. You don't  want to lose track of the person you truly are, or those traits and traditions you want to pass on to your child. If you have a boy child, you will need to show him how to become a man and if you have a girl child, you'll need to show her how a man takes care of his family and the kind of man that makes a good father.
  I'm lucky enough to have a next door neighbor that is a shining example of a guy that should have never been allowed to breed. He's a person that should never have the word father associated with him. I leave for work well before the sun comes up, but, I'm also usually home in the afternoon before most other people. And there's probably three to four days of the week when I come home that this guy (I can't call him a man or a father) is standing in his open garage door drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. This wouldn't be so bad, except, this is where the neighbor has been standing for at least half the day. He also, unfortunately, has a daughter, plus the baby and mom live there also, and a couple more of her family. But this piece of crap, who is probably close to thirty,  would rather stand around all day smoking cigarettes and hanging out with the younger boys rather than step up and take care of his family like a man should. He's told me all his stories about where he use to work and where he wants to work (we've already talked about guys that are all talk and no action) and I'm really over it all. He just seems a little to comfortable living on a hand out and blaming everyone else for his lack of employment and the few times he's been out front with his daughter, he seems completely incompetent and removed from her.
  So you need to get over it tough guy and learn how to hold that baby and change diapers and become a father. Once you've mastered that part the little bugger will get bigger and the set of challenges will change and they'll keep changing, so you'll need to stay on your toes. There won't be a lot of time for you to be consumed with yourself. Your little person will ask you questions you never thought you'd be asked and you won't have the answers for. Keep cool, don't sweat it, you can find the answer together. But you will need to be the most genuine person you have ever been. The truths you will tell and the situations you'll find yourself in with your child will stagger you.
  Another thing you'll need to develop is tough skin, because there will be times when your child will hate you with every fiber of their being. But keep the situation in perspective, try to understand your child's point of view and try not to throw gas on the fire. Let everyone cool down and you'll find that the whole thing is usually not that big a deal, and when everyone is calm, it's easier to talk about what's going on. Remember that sometimes you need to be an authority figure first, and a friend second. That's not always easy, cause we all want to be liked and as a father, that's not always the case. But those moments are fleeting and you'll be surprised at the amount of love that you will receive from the little monster. They have this ability of blowing you away with the mountains of love they send your way.
  So take care of 'em, feed 'em, clothe 'em and give 'em shelter. Add some water and lots of love and you will be amazed at what cool human beings they will become.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Quit your whining

  We all have bad days, or even bad weeks, and we all pull through it. Unless you really like to wallow in self pity and no matter how bad you think it is, it will always get better, especially if you're man enough to make some changes. So quit your whining, we're all tired of hearing it.
  I've had the crummy days too, but what you've gotta remember is, that you're in charge of your own happiness. You're the one that needs to make the changes that will make your situation livable. Yup, that's right sparky, it's up to you. It's no one else's responsibility. Not your boss's, not your significant other's, not your coworker's, or even your mom's. It's yours. So the way to make the bad day, the bad week, or the bad life better, is to suck it up and make the change. Like we talked about before, change is not always easy, but necessary for your peace of mind, especially in this situation. If you truly want out of your miserable rut, stop whining and make the changes in your life.
  We've all known the guy that shows up to work just pissing and moaning how everything sucks in their lives, and it's the same sorry ass story every day. Nothing makes this clown happy, except his own whining. At first, suggestions are made to help this guy out, but he turns down or dismisses any help, saying it won't change a thing. Then it becomes clear that this guy doesn't want help, because he doesn't have the balls to take any suggestions, or make the changes that will bring him the happiness he says he desires. He just wants to whine about it, so everyone at work feels sorry for him, he likes the attention. It's kinda pathetic and very unmanly.
  I've also noticed when a guy begins making excuses about what someone else is asking him, the whiners voice gets high pitched and squeaky. If anybody gets squeaky in my house it is usually brought to the whiners attention very quickly and with much glee, and not by just me, my kids are pretty brutal when it comes to pointing out a squeaky whine. Try it, listen next time some guy is asked to do something he doesn't want to do. Listen to the pitch of his voice as the whine starts, he'll get squeaky. Especially if you continue to push the subject with the whiner, the squeak becomes really impressive. Keep it up and everyone in my house will begin to laugh and point.
  Another annoying whiner out there is the guy that blames everyone else for his situation. This pathetic whiner is a perpetual victim ( I have a real hard time with the victim state of mind ) and it seems a lot of the time it's the fault of the government. Everything that goes wrong in their world can somehow be traced to how "the man" is keeping him down. I get so tired of listening to this whine about the California government, that I've suggested to the whiner that they should move. Leave the state that causes you so much grief. Go if you're so uncomfortable and unhappy here. I know California isn't perfect and I'm pretty sure there is no perfect place to live. But it will be way better here, without his whiny ass around.
  So go ahead and vent, like I said, we all have bad days. Just make sure you move through the bad times and don't let the venting run your life. Don't let you're whining gain any momentum and turn you into a squeaky whiner that friends and family avoid.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Change is coming

  When I was going to high school in southern California, my friends and I used to listen to 95.5 KLOS, it's a rock station, that at the time, played new, current music. As I got older my musical tastes changed and I found myself looking for the newest music, leaving the rock music of my high school years behind. In fact the newer the music the better, and when my kids got older, they found all sorts of new music for me to listen to.
   The music world continues to change and I continue to seek new music, and every other aspect in our world continues to change also. So I hope you're ready, cause change is always happening.
  There's really no sense in fighting it, you're not gonna win, change will get you. It's kind of pathetic to see guys fight against it, they dig their heels in and just will not stand for this change. I hear things like, "well, not everybody is on the internet", when you suggest to them to go google something. They truly seem scared of anything different, anything new. They seem content to sit on their porches and watch the world go by.
  The really pathetic part is these guys usually seem to have peaked in high school. I know guys in their mid fifties that still talk about their glory days in high school. Really? For crying out loud, move on. If the best time of your life was high school, you should get more of a life. There's a great big world out there and it's moving pretty quick and changing all the time. You should probably get off your lazy ass and get moving, you're not doing yourself any favors by watching it pass you by. You should really try to stay relevant and current in this world.
  I know your rut is comfy and you've become use to it, but it's still a rut. Also, the lady in your life would probably appreciate something a little different from time to time. Try something new, something different, try to change it up a bit. Don't be scared of new technology, or music, or even people. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work out for you, you can always try something else. It's not life or death, it's just change. And change is good.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just a quick observation

  I was stomping around when I noticed a desperate attempt at awesomeness, that had gone horribly wrong. I hadn't brought this up earlier because I had thought this particular clothing accessory had faded away. I was wrong.
  I'm speaking, of course, about the fanny pack. Fellas, and you ladies out there, a fanny pack is never ok. I don't care what color it is, or what the logo is on it, or if it has water bottle holsters on it, make all the arguments you want, just, no. Don't do it.
  As a matter of fact, you should probably avoid too many belt accessories. If you feel the need to wear a wallet chain, keep it to just the chain. Don't add a key chain that carries every key you have ever come across in your life, or multiple key chains, with even more keys. It just makes you look like the janitor. And there's nothing wrong with being a janitor, but I bet if you asked most janitors, they leave their keys at work. Also, don't add some cheesy looking folding knife in a crappy looking case, or a goofy looking cell phone case, even if it's a limited edition KISS case, you ain't cool with all this shit hanging from your dorky looking belt.
  About the only guys that can get away with wearing a lot of stuff around their waists are carpenters. These guys need to have their tools easily accessible and they can't be making multiple trips to their trucks to get things, especially if they are on the roof, or a long distance from their trucks. Time is always important in the construction industry, so they need to be very efficient.
  So go easy on the crap you hang from around your waist, it's not a good look. And I'm pretty sure the ladies don't find it sexy or think that it makes you look important. If you feel the need to carry around all sorts trinkets, get yourself a decent looking backpack, or a bigger car.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


  So I'm not gonna tell you guys that I know anything about women, but I do have some ideas about 'em and I can tell you how I "feel" about women.
  I've been married to a wonderful woman for 25 years and I can still say, to this day, that I do not understand her, or any other woman for that matter. One of the things that I do know, is that men need to treat women like the beautiful, delicate creatures that they are. Throughout the ages women have been treated with varying degrees of respect. You can pick any time in history and find that women were protected and oppressed at the same time. So I'd like to tell you to look to a certain time as an example how to treat women, but I don't think there is that perfect spot in history.
  What I can tell you is, to open the door for them. Simple acts of kindness, they are the fairer sex, you guys are the big strong ones, be nice to 'em. Now I understand that they can be frustrating and test your patience (remember, I've been married 25 years and I have a 19 year old daughter). But as much as you hate to admit it, almost everything you do as a male is done to get their attention, so you really do like 'em. I know some of you are gonna disagree with me, but near as I can figure it, men do most things in their lives for three different reasons. To impress other men of the tribe to ensure their place in the pack, to impress women and to feed and protect their family. That's why as pre-teenage boys we fight with each other and as teenagers and beyond we dress a certain way and drive certain cars and do other seemingly stupid things to impress women. Then we work hard to provide and protect our families while still trying to impress other tribe members and women.
  So you're already doing all this work you might as well be nice to 'em, it'll make your life a lot easier.
  I'm fully aware of those days when, we as men, just don't get along with the lady in our life and it's usually caused by miscommunication. What I can gather is, your lady has an idea in her head when she asks you some sort of vague question. Now, she already has a response in her head that she is expecting to hear you say. The problem is when you don't give the anticipated answer, that's when things start to go wrong. You see, women really think about things, really, a lot. As men, we are generally not thinking about these same things, and they can't understand that. What I have explained to the women in my life is, instead of asking me the vague question, explain to me what they're thinking so we can come to an agreement on their thoughts. Since we try to communicate this way in my house, I now get strange, very random things being brought up as topics for conversation. I know it makes sense to them but it usually catches me by surprise and yet makes for great talks and we can usually laugh at how the topic came up. The other thing I've tried to explain to ladies is, that men are pretty simple beings and when we say something, that's usually what we meant. Yup, that simple, we say what we mean.  
  The other thing I've noticed is that men try to use logic in their thinking, while women seem to rely mainly on their feelings. So if you don't realize your lady is approaching a decision by examining her feelings and you are trying to present your ideas, logically, the whole process has the possibility of going very wrong. No one way to make decisions or solve problems is the perfect way, we all have different methods. But if you take a second to realize where your lady is coming from, you may be able to avoid some arguments. A little compromise on your part will save you a lot of grief and you're man enough to let her be right aren't you? There's no need to push your ideas so hard that it causes her and you to become upset and it causes the decision to get blown way out of proportion. It's not life or death, relax and she will also. The situation will get handled, usually by using a combination of feelings and logic. That's why you two make such a good team.
  The last thing I want to touch on regarding women (I don't think we're done with this topic) before I go pour a beer, is crying. Sometimes women just need to cry, and as men we just don't understand this phenomenon. Typically as men, thinking logically, we want to fix her problem. When there is really none to be fixed, she just needs to cry. Giving credit to where credit is due, my awesome wife is the person who helped me learn this lesson. I've a teenage daughter crying in the backseat of my truck after volleyball practice and there I am, trying to fix her "problem". Every time I made a suggestion it just made the cry that much worse. Finally, my wife quietly told me to stop being logical and let her cry, we'd get her home and feed her, then suddenly all was better. Amazing, she just needed to get all the emotion out of her and get some food and it was all good again. Take this information fellas and use it, get her some ice cream, a blanket and just be there while she cries, don't try to fix anything. You'll be a hero and it's pretty easy, you just gotta be nice and be able to let her cry. It's ok that they are more emotional and we're more logical, it would suck if we were all the same.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Looks like that needs fixin...

You broke it didn't you? Now what are you gonna do? Well? Fix it. Please tell me you can fix it. Please tell me you have some basic tools and the guts to at least try to fix it.
Ya know, this used to be a country that built things. We were known for producing the best of the best and we had the skills to build anything. Now it seems like all we do is move paper from one desk to another. Guys seem to be afraid of getting their hands dirty.
So I'm thinking it's time you quit paying other people to do your dirty work and fix it yourself. Fix the leaky faucet, and the toilet that keeps keeps running. Most of those things are a simple and easy fix. Go and ask the guy at the hardware store, and I don't mean Home Depot. Find yourself an Ace Hardware or another real hardware store that has real people that know how to help you fix things. No one has all the knowledge to repair everything but if you ask the right person, you can find the information to help you get through your repair. And you'll find the fix is usually way easier than you imagined. Plus, most of the time you don't need a bunch of fancy, expensive tools. Just some basic hand tools and you can tackle most household repairs. Take a run through OSH or a Sears and you can pick up some good quality tools at reasonable prices and Craftsman makes just about any tool you could possibly need.
Alright, so you've got some tools, go get some oil, an oil filter and an air cleaner and go do some basic maintenance on your car. Stop in a real auto parts store, not Walmart, and give the parts man the year, make and model of your car and he'll set you up with the right filters. Also, ask the parts man where you can recycle your used motor oil and filter, he may be able to take it right there at his store. Do a few basic things on your car and next thing you know you'll be ready to tackle a brake job or another task that seems very difficult. It's really not that hard, at my house my daughter does all the brake jobs on all our cars (although she is away at college most of the year now, so the job may become mine again). So, come on fellas, if my daughter can do it so can you. Just get the information from a reliable source and have at it. One of the sayings in our shop is, if it has a nut or bolt on it, it was made to be taken apart. Belts and hoses are just as easy to replace, just take your time and do your research and you'll do fine.
You'd be surprised at how much parts cost as compared to how much you get charged when you have someone else do the work. I've bought a heater core for my truck at 30 dollars and I've heard of people being charged 600 bucks to have a heater core replaced at a shop. Now my truck is old compared to the car that needed the heater core replaced, but come on, 600 bucks?! I'm not gonna tell you that the repair shop was unethical or they ripped anyone off, because I'm sure that their book told them to charge that. I just want to give you an example of what you can save if you get in there and get a little greasy. Plus you'll get a great sense of accomplishment by doing it yourself.
So instead of running around screaming like a little girl when your home is becoming flooded, you'll know how to turn the water off to the house and you'll be able to deal with the problem. You'll also be able to jump start your car or change the flat tire rather than sobbing uncontrollably when your car lets you down. There's also a chance that you can be the hero when you help out the lady who is stranded with those same car problems.
So go on, get in there, get a little dirty and fix it. A little dirt on your hands or grease under your finger nails won't hurt ya. Trust me, I've got all sorts of grease under my nails and I'm still going. You might be surprised at how your significant other looks at you, stud, after you fix her leaky faucet. She'll probably have a cold beer waiting for you when you're done.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Really good beer

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. If you're lucky enough to have Firestone beer where you live, you've gotta try this Solace brew. It's unfiltered and it's some of the best beer I've tried.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Antieb Recht...That's German for Drive Right

Except for the job I currently have, I have driven professionally for over 20 years, usually some sort of truck. I grew up driving in Los Angeles traffic and I've driven up and down the state of California more times than I care to remember. My introduction to the bay area was after the Oakland earthquake, so I got to drive the 880 during all that awesome construction. My first run into "the city", San Francisco, was in a 30 foot car hauler. It carried one car over the cab, two on the bed and towed the last one behind it, like a regular tow truck. The truck was an International with a DT466 engine and a 10 speed Road Ranger transmission, a transmission that you went through 5 gears then pulled up on a "splitter" and did all 5 gears again and except for starting out, you don't use the clutch. That's right, a city full of hills with a 10 speed manual transmission, talk about trial by fire. The last truck I drove was a Peterbilt 379 with a big Caterpillar engine and a 13 speed transmission, dragging a 50 foot air ride reefer trailer up and down the state.
So I've driven with a lot of others around me and, holy crap, some of 'em shouldn't be licensed to drive. Guys, I take driving pretty seriously, so when you don't, it irritates the shit outta me. 80,000 pounds doesn't exactly stop on a dime so don't lane change the big rig and then brake check him.
Basically, pay attention, if you're in the fast lane doing 60 mph while texting or talking on your phone, I'm gonna flip you off as I pass you on the right. And speaking of the right, the title of this rant, Antieb Recht, is a German way of life. It's a big campaign for the Autobahn, slower traffic needs to move right and drivers need to drive right. In the part of the world I live, the 101 freeway has only 2 lanes and most guys don't know to move to the right lane unless they're passing. Slower traffic needs to move to the right, especially if your driving something pulling a trailer.
Now that you know which lane to drive in, drive. Why do I see all these guys ridin' shotgun, while they're lady is driving? You ain't looking so tough over there stud, so don't be passing out hard looks while your lady is grabbing gears. What happened? Did you lose your license? Is it her car and she won't let you drive it? Are you unable to own your own car? Does she let you change the radio station? Hmmm...
Speaking of gears, you better be able to drive a stick. Both my kids' first cars were manuals, so you have no excuse. I'm beginning to think driving a stick is a dieing art. As a man, I would expect you to be in touch with your vehicle and to operate it with style and grace.
Now I'm seeing these girly boys driving around with a god damn dog on their laps. And these guys are all different ages, from grandpas to teenagers. I don't get it, dogs go in the back of trucks, properly tied in, not in your lap while you're driving (and I wouldn't even consider some of 'em dogs). You can't pay attention to the road with some little fur ball hanging half way out the drivers window while your driving along at 25 mph in that 35 mph zone. Put the damn dog in the back and pay attention.
I have about a 35 mile drive to work and for about 4 to 5 months out of the year I ride my motorcycle. Luckily the traffic I drive in isn't nearly to the level of L.A. or the bay area. Unfortunately I do hafta drive with tourists, and man, these guys can't drive a car and now they're behind the wheel of a motor home or a truck pulling a big trailer. It's almost like they don't realize there are other cars on the road. They poke along, swerve across lanes, and these guys don't seem to understand how big their vehicles are. They should hafta pass a test to drive these rv's, just as you do to drive a commercial truck. There are times I want to yank 'em outta their motor homes by the scruff of their necks and take the keys from 'em.
And I swear to Odin, if I catch any of you drinking and driving, I will yank your sorry ass outta that car and you will never find your keys again.
So focus fellas, there are other people on the road with you. Pay attention, treat other drivers with respect and we'll all get to where we're going.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Time for you to be genuine and dress the part

As I motor around this vast universe I'm noticing a certain segment of the male population trying to impress others by dressing like little boys. These boys can't seem to put a baseball hat on straight or wear clothes that fit them. Now I understand that sometimes we hafta wear hand me downs when we're kids, but by the time these boys are able to purchase alcohol legally they should be able to pick clothes that are their size. I don't think they can call 'em shorts if they are 3 inches above their shoes.
And t-shirts, what's with the t-shirts they choose to wear? Now, I'm a t-shirt guy and my t-shirts usually have something written on 'em. But some of the shirts I've seen are amazingly ridiculous. These boys are trying to impress me by wearing MMA shirts or some gym that they don't attend. I'm all for them telling me who their favorite band is (except for maybe KISS, they should probably keep that to themselves) or brand of surf board they ride, but don't get carried away.
And when i say carried away, I'm talking about the guy that is wearing head to toe ADIDAS clothes or Monster energy drink clothes as if they are sponsored by those companies. Just because he's wearing 'em doesn't mean he can play ball or race a motorcycle, so, just stop it, you look silly.
Speaking of looking silly and motorcycles, let's talk about Harley riders. Now contrary to popular belief, I like Harley Davidson. They're an American company, they've had they're ups and downs but they are still here and making a good product. The part I'm not wild about is Harley riders, what a ridiculous bunch this is, talk about a group of guys that are trying to buy their cool, holy crap. I ride a Suzuki dl 1000 vstrom and any other bike that goes by me in the opposite direction will wave, except the turd riding the hog. Because I ride a "jap bike" I'm not in the cool guy club and I can guarantee that weekend warrior I ride more miles a year than he does. Nothing pleases me more than during the ride home I come up on some traffic and I start splitting lanes and I get to pass the Harley sitting in line like it's a car, cause the guy is too scared to follow me. But, hot damn, he looks good sitting there in all his Harley clothing. I've been to a few motorcycle shows and the amount of Harley crap these guys wear is amazing. Like I said about the guy wearing the ADIDAS stuff, these guys will wear Harley hats, do rags, head bands, sun glasses, ear rings, multiple layers of shirts, vests, belts, belt buckles, underwear (I'm guessing), pants, shorts, chaps, wallet, wallet chain, key chain, socks, boots and boot laces, while holding his diet Coke in a can cozy all with the almighty Harley Davidson logo emblazoned on 'em. What's even funnier is this seems to be their weekend clothing, he'll show up at the grocery store in all this crap. So Harley Davidson is awesome, most Harley riders are lame.
So guys, you might be impressing the other Harley riders or the other extreme athlete wannabes, but that young lady over there thinks you dress like her little brother.
The other guys I wanna point out are the ones that appear to have just given up. Some of these pathetic examples don't seem to own a clean shirt and the dirty shirt always seems to be white. I work in a very dirty environment and usually get rather greasy. But I don't take my wife to dinner wearing dirty work clothes.
The other fellows look like their significant other dressed 'em, which is not always a bad thing. But it seems to me that some guys get to a certain age and just flat give up. Then grandpa and grandma are wearing matching clothes, and they match the dog also, all made out of the American flag. The American flag is not clothing, period.
So get dressed, but some thought into it and quit trying to impress us by wearing what looks like the side of a race car.
And last but not least, I hate to even bring it up, because you all know better. I better not see any of you in "mandals".

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

be here, now

As I travel through this world I've met and worked with a lot of different guys. And there seems to be a breed of guy that either lives in the past or the future. They have a tough time living in the present. This particular guy wants to tell me about his past experiences and these experiences are usually pretty spectacular.
One particular example that I use to work with at the tow yard, had done it all. This was the guy that had to constantly one up you. If you had done it, so had he, but he did it way better than you ever could. It got so obvious to everyone that we began to say this person had to be born around the early 1900's, because he had accomplished so much. We also figured he was the only person to have ever looped a submarine, cause he had done it all. The guy lost a lot of credibility and became the guy that people avoided, cause you couldn't believe anything he told you.
I seem to run into this personality mostly in my work environments. So I don't know if this is where these guys are most insecure and they feel the need to pump up their reputation. Because usually their lives are pretty sad and uneventful. If you ask them what they are doing this weekend, they typically have nothing going on.
I don't mind hearing stories of past events, but if that's all you got and for some reason this is all you want to talk about, you're gonna loose me. Especially when your present day world doesn't reflect your exciting past.
The other guy has big plans and that's about it. I always get to hear about his big plans for the future but they never seem to come to fruition. Again, I don't mind hearing about his dreams, but if there's no action to making these dreams come true, I'm over it. He can talk the talk, but i want to see him walk the walk. When I hear a lot of talk about grand plans and no action I'm done putting any energy or even listening to him anymore.
So quit blowing smoke up my butt and just be yourself. You're not impressing me or anyone else by telling us lies. So man up, live your true life, be here now, or you're gonna end up drinking your light beer by yourself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

beer commercials got me thinking

The event that got me thinking about being a man was seeing beer commercials on that vast wasteland called television. We are being told that light beer and low calorie beer is what we want.
What a load of crap. Tasteless, fizzy sugar water is not my idea of beer. The big beer companies product is so bad that they hafta add gadgets and gizmos to the containers as a way to entice you to buy it. Drink a real beer fer cryin' out loud. Low calorie beer is a joke and yet they try to tell us that this is what men drink.
These guys look like idiots in these commercials and are a poor representation of manhood.
So I started noticing in other advertisements how stupidly men are portrayed. No wonder men don't know how to act. Jed wrote that being a man is often confused with disrespect and chauvinism. The way I see it those traits are not so bad as long as they stay in balance. I will always open a door for a lady and let her go ahead of me. Chauvinistic? Probably, but that's me. I'm also not a fan of a man who treats a lady poorly. Disrespect? You're god damn right. That man will never have my respect. Seems like any time you let yourself go to far one way you get into trouble, so I try to keep it all in balance.
So I'm gonna go have a beer, I have some Stella Artois in the fridge. Care to join me?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

let's see how this goes

I've been noticing lately how poorly men have been performing. A lot of it has to do with the way the media portrays men. It's sounds cliche  but "the art of manliness" seems to fading even more.
So I don't know if it's a result of me getting older or what, but I find myself becoming less tolerant of unmanly behavior. So I've decided to start this blog. I'm no expert or even a writer for that matter. But I think I have an idea of what it means to be a man. You may agree with me or not, but these are going to my ideas and your reactions are yours. I will try to set it up so you can comment, I'm still figuring this thing out.
I'm looking forward to this and your comments. This is meant to be fun, sarcastic, and light hearted. I don't expect to change the world but maybe I can get you thinking about being a man.