Tuesday, May 24, 2011

beer commercials got me thinking

The event that got me thinking about being a man was seeing beer commercials on that vast wasteland called television. We are being told that light beer and low calorie beer is what we want.
What a load of crap. Tasteless, fizzy sugar water is not my idea of beer. The big beer companies product is so bad that they hafta add gadgets and gizmos to the containers as a way to entice you to buy it. Drink a real beer fer cryin' out loud. Low calorie beer is a joke and yet they try to tell us that this is what men drink.
These guys look like idiots in these commercials and are a poor representation of manhood.
So I started noticing in other advertisements how stupidly men are portrayed. No wonder men don't know how to act. Jed wrote that being a man is often confused with disrespect and chauvinism. The way I see it those traits are not so bad as long as they stay in balance. I will always open a door for a lady and let her go ahead of me. Chauvinistic? Probably, but that's me. I'm also not a fan of a man who treats a lady poorly. Disrespect? You're god damn right. That man will never have my respect. Seems like any time you let yourself go to far one way you get into trouble, so I try to keep it all in balance.
So I'm gonna go have a beer, I have some Stella Artois in the fridge. Care to join me?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

let's see how this goes

I've been noticing lately how poorly men have been performing. A lot of it has to do with the way the media portrays men. It's sounds cliche  but "the art of manliness" seems to fading even more.
So I don't know if it's a result of me getting older or what, but I find myself becoming less tolerant of unmanly behavior. So I've decided to start this blog. I'm no expert or even a writer for that matter. But I think I have an idea of what it means to be a man. You may agree with me or not, but these are going to my ideas and your reactions are yours. I will try to set it up so you can comment, I'm still figuring this thing out.
I'm looking forward to this and your comments. This is meant to be fun, sarcastic, and light hearted. I don't expect to change the world but maybe I can get you thinking about being a man.