Friday, February 17, 2012

Where are the men?

  I don't really follow entertainment news or award shows like the Oscars or the Grammy's. If you ask me all those award shows are just a way for all the "stars" to get all dressed up, walk down a red carpet and be all glamorous and all that other crap. I think they take themselves a little too seriously.
  So, I was driving home the other day listening to the radio ( I have Sirius satellite radio in my truck, I love commercial free, uncensored radio) when they started talking about Chris Brown winning a Grammy and what a travesty it was.
  I don't listen to Chris Brown, I don't know any of his songs, I'm not a real fan of pop music. But, what they were pointing out on the radio show, was, that the music industry gave a guy who hit a woman a goddamn award. I don't really care about the Grammy's, but really? This guy beat Rihanna bloody. Why the hell would they give him any award?
  As far as I'm concerned this guy doesn't deserve shit, he hit a woman. I don't know Rihanna or listen to her music, but I do know, she should never be hit by any man.
  So where's the outrage and public outcry? And who are these people buying music made buy a guy that hits women? Chris Brown is worthless piece of scum that deserves absolutely nothing, except a beating like the one he gave Rihanna.
  The other point that was brought up on the radio program was, where are the men in Hollywood? Are there no men in the music industry? None of these executives would stand up for a woman or stand up to an abuser. What a worthless lot these people are. This just shows us their true colors and what is important to this industry. All they are worried about is the almighty dollar and if a woman beater sells records, they are right there to give him some crappy trinket.
  I'm a huge fan of music, not of the music industry and trust me, I will not be buying any music by Chris Brown. That guy can rot in hell. And if I have the unfortunate opportunity to hear one of his songs being played I will point out to the owner of the sound system Chris Brown's tendency to hit women.
  C'mon guys, you need to protect our women and keep them away from guys like Chris Brown.