Friday, October 14, 2011

Quit your whining

  We all have bad days, or even bad weeks, and we all pull through it. Unless you really like to wallow in self pity and no matter how bad you think it is, it will always get better, especially if you're man enough to make some changes. So quit your whining, we're all tired of hearing it.
  I've had the crummy days too, but what you've gotta remember is, that you're in charge of your own happiness. You're the one that needs to make the changes that will make your situation livable. Yup, that's right sparky, it's up to you. It's no one else's responsibility. Not your boss's, not your significant other's, not your coworker's, or even your mom's. It's yours. So the way to make the bad day, the bad week, or the bad life better, is to suck it up and make the change. Like we talked about before, change is not always easy, but necessary for your peace of mind, especially in this situation. If you truly want out of your miserable rut, stop whining and make the changes in your life.
  We've all known the guy that shows up to work just pissing and moaning how everything sucks in their lives, and it's the same sorry ass story every day. Nothing makes this clown happy, except his own whining. At first, suggestions are made to help this guy out, but he turns down or dismisses any help, saying it won't change a thing. Then it becomes clear that this guy doesn't want help, because he doesn't have the balls to take any suggestions, or make the changes that will bring him the happiness he says he desires. He just wants to whine about it, so everyone at work feels sorry for him, he likes the attention. It's kinda pathetic and very unmanly.
  I've also noticed when a guy begins making excuses about what someone else is asking him, the whiners voice gets high pitched and squeaky. If anybody gets squeaky in my house it is usually brought to the whiners attention very quickly and with much glee, and not by just me, my kids are pretty brutal when it comes to pointing out a squeaky whine. Try it, listen next time some guy is asked to do something he doesn't want to do. Listen to the pitch of his voice as the whine starts, he'll get squeaky. Especially if you continue to push the subject with the whiner, the squeak becomes really impressive. Keep it up and everyone in my house will begin to laugh and point.
  Another annoying whiner out there is the guy that blames everyone else for his situation. This pathetic whiner is a perpetual victim ( I have a real hard time with the victim state of mind ) and it seems a lot of the time it's the fault of the government. Everything that goes wrong in their world can somehow be traced to how "the man" is keeping him down. I get so tired of listening to this whine about the California government, that I've suggested to the whiner that they should move. Leave the state that causes you so much grief. Go if you're so uncomfortable and unhappy here. I know California isn't perfect and I'm pretty sure there is no perfect place to live. But it will be way better here, without his whiny ass around.
  So go ahead and vent, like I said, we all have bad days. Just make sure you move through the bad times and don't let the venting run your life. Don't let you're whining gain any momentum and turn you into a squeaky whiner that friends and family avoid.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Change is coming

  When I was going to high school in southern California, my friends and I used to listen to 95.5 KLOS, it's a rock station, that at the time, played new, current music. As I got older my musical tastes changed and I found myself looking for the newest music, leaving the rock music of my high school years behind. In fact the newer the music the better, and when my kids got older, they found all sorts of new music for me to listen to.
   The music world continues to change and I continue to seek new music, and every other aspect in our world continues to change also. So I hope you're ready, cause change is always happening.
  There's really no sense in fighting it, you're not gonna win, change will get you. It's kind of pathetic to see guys fight against it, they dig their heels in and just will not stand for this change. I hear things like, "well, not everybody is on the internet", when you suggest to them to go google something. They truly seem scared of anything different, anything new. They seem content to sit on their porches and watch the world go by.
  The really pathetic part is these guys usually seem to have peaked in high school. I know guys in their mid fifties that still talk about their glory days in high school. Really? For crying out loud, move on. If the best time of your life was high school, you should get more of a life. There's a great big world out there and it's moving pretty quick and changing all the time. You should probably get off your lazy ass and get moving, you're not doing yourself any favors by watching it pass you by. You should really try to stay relevant and current in this world.
  I know your rut is comfy and you've become use to it, but it's still a rut. Also, the lady in your life would probably appreciate something a little different from time to time. Try something new, something different, try to change it up a bit. Don't be scared of new technology, or music, or even people. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work out for you, you can always try something else. It's not life or death, it's just change. And change is good.