Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gone Soft

  Looks to me like a lot of guys that I run into lately are soft. They can't swing a hammer or turn a wrench, repair or build anything. They don't ride a bicycle or skate or ski or snowboard or have any sort of real relationship with any sort of machine except for some electronic devices. Their hands are soft and they don't have any scars, or have ever worn a cast. They don't swing a bat or racquet and the only time they sweat is when they're on a treadmill running, like a little mouse, around in circles.
  I happen to wear tattoos along with my scars, my wrinkles and my other imperfections and I'm quite proud of every mark on my body. My hands hold a few scars and sometimes I feel that if I don't bleed on a project, I may not have put enough of myself into it. My kids know which wrinkles on my face are theirs and which tattoos are for them. And if you think my wife is off the hook, think again. She also knows which wrinkles are hers, as well as the inked devil duck I wear for her.
  I guess I'm seeing these marks as times in my life, good times and bad times, they're my times. I've chosen to save some memories with tattoos and some memories have chosen to stay with me in the form of scars.
  But these guys I'm encountering are soft and pasty and probably don't know how to open the hood of their car. They sure as hell couldn't tell you where the oil dipstick is, let alone how to check the transmission fluid. The weird part is, they'll wear clothing that suggests they partake in some outdoor activity. They'll be spotted in surf apparel or clothing worn by motorcycle riders as if they participate in these past times.
  They will also have a tattoo, which makes me laugh. You usually won't see their one tattoo, cause they're usually embarrassed about it. You'll hear some lame ass story how they were drunk, or were dared, or how some ex-girlfriend told him it would make him a bad ass. Quite sad.
  The thing about all this that really bothers me, is these guys don't go outside and play. They don't have any relationship with nature, they stay inside, they experience the outdoors through various glowing screens. They live vicariously through other athletes, while never having any mud in their eye or get the thrill of a heart racing adrenaline rush. Yet they wear clothing that suggests that they partake in an extreme sport, but they don't.
  It would be great if they had a better understanding of their car also. If the car won't start, turning the key off and trying it thirty more times isn't going to make the car start. And learn how to change a tire and maybe some basic maintenance. These guys do a lot of complaining when a mechanic hands them a bill that equals a mortgage payment for their services, so knowing a few things about your ride goes a long way.
  So go outside guys, go to the beach, go shoot some baskets at the park, or go hike a local trail and spend some time under the hood of your car. I'm not telling you to go out and hurt yourself, but go outside, especially if you have kids. Get them and you off of the couch and go ride and sweat a little and get dirty. It'll make that beer at the end of the day that much better.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

They're trying to tell us this stuff is good

  It's been a while since I've been up here rambling at you guys and I have to tell you that quite a lot has come to my attention. So, after some urging from a person who is very near and dear to me, (we will be talking about her a little later) I've opened the lappy to start spewing again.
  Over the summer we decided in my house to turn off the cable television and we live in an area that only gets three stations with an antenna. We subscribed to Netflix, so we had something to watch, and for the most part, we didn't really miss commercial television.
  The only thing I really missed watching was racing and especially NHRA drag racing. My son and I go to The Finals every year in Pomona and I was feeling a little out of the loop when we went in November. As the start of the racing season drew closer, I decided to bite the bullet and sign up for cable again.
  I've never been a fan of commercials, (I have satellite radio in one of my trucks and the other truck gets music from my ipod) but since we're watching cable television again, I'm being subjected to these abominations called commercials. And there's not a lot of things that piss me off more than some clown sitting in a big ol' office trying to sell me useless crap or inedible food.
  One of the things I've realized during these last couple of months watching television, is that most big companies are lagging behind what people like, and they're trying to be cool and relevant again. And the example I want to throw out there, is that piss water that is known as Bud Light. Budweiser re-bottled their rice water in some fancy bottles and made some commercials with a bunch of hipster looking posers, dancing around to sell this crap.  It's Bud Light, it will never be good, even though they got Justin Timberlake to sing in their commercial.
  The other example, was a commercial I saw for Quiznos. They had some crap sandwich with what they were calling lobster and "other seafood" in it. It's been a while since I've been out on the ocean fishing, but we called that chum. Why would I want a chum sandwich from Quiznos?
  The corporate world is taking advantage of us, and they are not really concerned with our health or well being. They are only concerned about moving large quantities of whatever crap they're making, at the best profit margin possible. Someone said that, if it has a commercial on television, you probably don't want to eat it. Sounds like good advice to me.
  And while I'm squawking about how the big food corporations are taking advantage of us, take a look at the next five pound bag of sugar you purchase. More than likely it will be only four pounds, yet the price never changed. Four pounds of sugar for the price of five pounds, now that's a deal, for the big company, not you. Look around, they've done the same thing to cans of coffee and what use to be gallons of ice cream to name a couple of examples.
  So keep your eyes open guys. You use to have to worry about con men, now those con men work for marketing companies, pushing worthless inedible products. And they're coming right into your house through that big glowing screen that takes up most of the wall.
  So turn off your television and go get yourself some real food and do me a favour, get yourself some good beer. Go support your local farmers and your local brewer, they're great people and would really appreciate your support.